About Us

Ready to save a lot – while still getting the best and cheapest plumber possible? Then you want to call Speedy Plumbing Service! With our plumbing service, you're not going to get just the standard results. No, you're going to get the best possible results! There are many plumbers to choose from, including a residential plumber, plumbing contractor, and emergency plumber. For a faucet installation to a repiping, there's nothing better. Call now!

Year Established : 2018


Service Area

Our business is located in Brooklyn, but we provide plumbing services for all of Kings County!

Working Hours

Great service, open 24/7.

Our Services

Time is important in an emergency. Don't waste it! Instead, call for our emergency services and let us send someone to you 24/7. This is a great choice for a leak repair or a clogged drain. Just need some help with maintenance? Drain cleaning, boiler service, and sewer services are no problem! Water heater repair, baseboard repair, or heater repair? Yep, we can do that, too!


Contact Us

Address : 326 S 1st St, Brooklyn, NY, 11211

CAll Us : (347) 570-0986

Email Us : Solutions@SpeedyPlumbingService.com